Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Hi, welcome to The Style Blossom (formerly Girl’s Guide to Pain), a fashion and lifestyle blog. My name is Katie, I’m in my 20s and living with pain. I suffer from fibromyalgia, which is a chronic condition that causes pain all over the body. There are other symptoms too, such as extreme tiredness and fatigue, headaches, and problems with mental processes, amongst others. April 4th 2010 was the day my pain started. It completely turned my life upside down. I was a normal 20 year old, studying at university and working part time, and within a few days of the pain starting I was confined to bed. The last 5 years have been hell for me, but I have come a very long way and made an incredible amount of progress in fighting through and learning to live with the pain. I’m still limited in how much I can do, I’m still stuck in bed at times throughout the day, and I face constant struggles, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. But I’m strong, I’m determined, and I’ll continue to fight and work my butt off until I am able to finally live a normal life again, regardless of pain!

This blog is a huge part of that for me. I have wanted to start this for a long time, to share my love and passion for fashion, style and make up. So you can expect lots of fashion and outfit posts and some beauty reviews of new or favourite products. I’ve never blogged before, so this is a work in progress at the moment and I would really appreciate any feedback you have. You can either leave a comment below or you can email me at thestyleblossomblog@gmail.com. I hope you like what’s to come.

Katie xx

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